Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) producers on Prince Edward Island often under
seed red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) into barley (Hordeum vulgare I,.) c
rops so as to have a forage crop in the third year of the 3-yr rotation of
potatoes-grain-forages. Some producers would like to plant an annual legume
that could be underseeded in barley to improve soil organic matter levels
in a 2-yr rotation of barley-potatoes. We examined, over 3 yr (1996-1998),
the effect of herbicides commonly used in barley on perennial red clover an
d annual berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum I,.) underseeded in barley.
Based on clover plant stand after herbicide application, both red clover a
nd berseem were killed by herbicide mixtures containing dicamba and were se
verely injured by bromoxynil. Red clover was severely injured by thifensulf
uron/tribenuron mixture whereas berseem clover was only slightly injured. M
CPA-Na generally caused little injury to either clover species whereas MCPB
/MCPA caused less injury to red clover than to berseem clover. Clover yield
in the fall reflected level of injury noted during the season.