Most previous studies of children with birthweight <750 g have focused on e
arly childhood sequelae. To evaluate later outcomes, a regional sample of 6
0 <750-g birthweight children was compared at middle school age (M = 11 yea
rs) to 55 children with birthweight 750-1,499 g and 49 term controls. The g
roups were matched on age, gender, and demographic variables at the time of
an early-school-age assessment (mean age 7 years). The <750-g birthweight
group fared less well at middle school age than the term group on measures
of cognitive function, achievement, behavior, and academic performance. In
many instances, outcomes were less favorable for the <750-g children than f
or the 750 to 1,499-g group. Children in the <750-g group who were free of
neurosensory disorders and global cognitive impairment performed more poorl
y on several tests than their term counterparts. Group differences in this
subsample on tests of motor skills, math, and the ability to copy and recal
l a complex drawing remained significant even after controlling for IQ. Dis
parities between the <750-g and term groups increased with age for some mea
sures. Despite favorable outcomes for many children in the <750-g group, th
is population is at risk for long-term developmental problems.