The digital camera is a powerful tool to capture images for rise in image p
rocessing and colour communication. However, the RGB signals generated by a
digital camera are device-dependent, i.e., different digital cameras produ
ce different RGB responses for the same scene. Furthermore, they are not co
lorimetric, i.e,, the output RGB signals no not directly correspond to the
device-independent tristimulus values based on the CIE standard colorimetri
c observer. One approach for deriving a colorimetric mapping between camera
RGB signals and CIE tristimulus values uses polynomial modeling and is des
cribed here. The least squares fitting technique was used to derive the coe
fficients of 3 X n polynomial transfer matrices, yielding a modeling accura
cy typically averaging 1 DeltaE units in CMC(I:II when a 3 X II matrix is u
sed. Experiments were carried out to investigate the repeatability of the d
igitizing system, characterization performance when different polynomials w
ere used, modeling accuracy when 8-bit and 12-bit RGB data were used for ch
aracterization, and the number of reference samples needed to achieve a rea
sonable degree of modeling accuracy. Choice of characterization target and
media and their effect on metamerism have been examined. It is demonstrated
that a model is dependent upon both media and colorant, and applying a mod
el to other media/colorants can lead to serious eye-camera metamerism probl
ems. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.