Objectives: To provide an overview of the use of non-clinical outcome measu
res in dentistry and to identify trends and strengths and weaknesses in exi
sting research. Methods: Literature searches using medical and social scien
ces databases and stated inclusion and exclusion criteria. Categorisation a
nd coding of accepted studies according to: concept of outcome, study desig
n and standardisation of outcome measures used. Simple graphical and statis
tical analysis used to identify trends in outcome measurement and strengths
and weaknesses. Results: There has been a steady growth in non-clinical ou
tcome measurement research in dentistry over the last 10 years. Most studie
s have addressed dental knowledge, attitudes or behaviours (KAB), socio-den
tal indicators or anxiety. Two-thirds of all studies have used non-standard
ised outcome measures. Different concepts of outcome are associated with di
fferent study designs and standardisation status of outcome measures used.
Studies addressing dental "satisfaction" and KAB are more likely than avera
ge to use non-validated measures. Conclusions: There needs to be more focus
on the development of methods to assess the validity of nonclinical outcom
e measures in dentistry. In addition more conceptual studies need to be und
ertaken on the theoretical links between the different concepts of outcome
found in the current study.