Objectives: to investigate cross-sectionally a probable dental caries decli
ne in Belgian 12-yr-olds and to analyse some factors that may be associated
with dental caries during the study period. Methods: In the region of Brus
sels, children in the 7th grade at the same schools were sampled in 1983 (n
=533) and 1998 (n= 496). DMFT, DMFS and dental fluorosis were clinically re
corded. Data on children's home-based and professional dental health care h
abits were registered. Results: Caries-free children increased from 4% to 5
0%. A reduction of the mean number of teeth attacked by dental caries from
7.5 to 1.6 and of tooth surfaces from 11.5 to 2.5 (P<0.001) was observed. E
arly signs of dental fluorosis were identified in 5% in 1983 and 30% of the
subjects in 1998. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that tooth
brushing with fluoridated toothpaste, dental appointments and dental fluoro
sis were significantly related to dental caries reduction. Conclusions: A r
emarkable decline in dental caries was observed during the 15-yr period. Th
e factors related to the children's home-based and professional dental heal
th care were associated with the observed decline.