A review of the literature on stereotypes about Chicanas/os reveals that pe
ople of Mexican descent are perceived predominantly in derogatory terms, wi
th the few positive terms primarily related to the centrality of the family
for this ethnic community. This review also indicates that Chicanas/os the
mselves often endorse these stereotypes. However the extant literature has
not examined the counseling process in relation to consensual, social stere
otypes of this ethnic group. This article serves to bridge that gap in the
literature. Counselors are strongly encouraged to be cognizant of how stere
otypes may affect Chicanas/os, especially in areas related to identity, ris
ky behavior, stereotype threat. education. gender roles. and stigmatization
. Counselors are encouraged to increase racial awareness as part of the men
tal health development of their Chicana/o clients. Counselors are particula
rly challenged to examine how their own conscious and unconscious stereotyp
es may affect the counselor-client relationship. Future research directions
are also discussed.