Pathological and biochemical studies have consistently associated endogenou
s catechol oxidation with dopaminergic neurodegeneration in Parkinson's dis
ease (PD). Recently, it has been proposed that products of catechol oxidati
on, the catechol thioethers, may contribute to dopaminergic neurodegenerati
on. In other organ systems, thioether cytotoxicity is influenced profoundly
by the mercapturic acid pathway. We have pursued the hypothesis that endog
enous catechol thioethers produced in the mercapturic acid pathway contribu
te to dopaminergic neurodegeneration. Our results showed that the extent of
in vitro metal-catalyzed oxidative damage by catechol thioethers varied wi
th the structures of the parent catechol and thioether adduct. Catechol mer
capturates uniquely produced more oxidative damage than their parent catech
ols. In dopaminergic cell cultures, dopamine induced apoptosis in a concent
ration-dependent manner from 5 to 50 muM. The apoptotic effect of dopamine
was greatly enhanced by subcytotoxic concentrations of the mitochondrial in
hibitor, N-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+). similarly. subcytotoxic levels
of the mercapturate or homocysteine conjugate of dopamine significantly au
gmented dopamine-induced apoptosis. Finally, microsomal fractions of substa
ntia nigra from PD patients or age-matched controls had comparable cysteine
-S-conjugate N-acetyltransferase activity. These data indicate that the mer
capturate conjugate of dopamine may augment dopaminergic neurodegeneration
and that the mercapturate pathway exists in human substantia nigra.