Food webs based on flows of organic matter were developed for two small str
eams to examine food web response to a large reduction in detrital inputs.
At the study site, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the southern Appalachia
ns, leaf litter inputs and associated microbial assemblages are the main en
ergy source for food webs in headwater streams. We eliminated leaf litter i
nputs to one stream using a net placed over the first 180 m of stream from
its origin. Food webs based on Row of organic matter were developed for a r
eference stream and the litter-excluded stream for two months. July and Dec
ember of year 1 of the litter exclusion, to examine effects of leaf litter
exclusion on the trophic base of the food web, size distribution of flows,
predator-prey interactions, and trophic structure. Flows (mg AFDM.m(-2).d(-
1); AFDM = ash-free dry mass) were estimated using gut content analyses for
detritus and prey items, coupled with secondary production estimates. We u
sed a whole-stream C-13 tracer method to estimate assimilation of bacteria
by invertebrates. The food webs encompassed most (84-91%) of invertebrate s
econdary production. but <30% of the estimated total links. The primary sou
rces of organic matter for the food web in the reference stream were leaf t
issue, bacterial carbon, and animal prey, with <similar to>25-30% of total
secondary production derived from each. In-stream primary production led to
<1% of invertebrate secondary production. A higher fraction of food web pr
oduction in the litter-excluded stream was derived from wood. Magnitudes of
detrital flows were lower in the litter-excluded stream, and some taxa wer
e missing compared to the reference stream. The fraction of predator ingest
ion approached 100% of total secondary production for both streams, but thi
s predation was distributed diffusely among several tare. Flows to predator
s were fewer and smaller in the litter-excluded stream, yet these flows had
higher per-biomass consumption coefficients, suggesting stronger interacti
ons among the remaining common taxa. These food webs enabled us to examine
interactions among taxa in the streams; hence, we found responses of the st
ream ecosystem to litter-exclusion that we would not have considered had we
only measured changes in invertebrate population sizes or system-level cha
nges in organic matter flow.