Large-scale changes in climate may have unexpected effects on ecosystems, g
iven the importance of climate as a control over almost all ecosystem attri
butes and internal feedbacks. Changes in plant community productivity or co
mposition, for example, may alter ecosystem resource dynamics, trophic stru
ctures, or disturbance regimes, with subsequent positive or negative feedba
cks on the plant community. At northern latitudes, where increases in tempe
rature are expected to be greatest but where plant species diversity is rel
atively low, climatically mediated changes in species composition or abunda
nce will likely have large ecosystem effects. In this study, we investigate
d effects of infrared loading and manipulations of water-table elevation on
net primary productivity of plant species in bog and fen wetland mesocosms
between 1994 and 1997.
We removed 27 intact soil monoliths (2.1 m(2) surface area, 0.5-0.7 m depth
) each from a bog and a fen in northern Minnesota to construct a large meso
cosm facility that allows for direct manipulation of climatic variables in
a replicated experimental design. The treatment design was a fully crossed
factorial with three infrared-loading treatments, three water-table treatme
nts, and two ecosystem types (bogs and fens), with three replicates of all
treatment combinations. Overhead infrared lamps caused mean monthly soil te
mperatures to increase by 1.6-4.1 degreesC at 15-cm depth during the growin
g season (May-October). In 1996, depths to water table averaged -11, -19, a
nd -26 cm in the bog plots, and 0, -10, and -19 cm in the fen plots.
Annual aboveground net primary production (ANPP) of bryophyte, forb, gramin
oid, and shrub life-forms was determined for the dominant species in the me
socosm plots based on species specific canopy/biomass relationships. Belowg
round net primary production (BNPP) was estimated using root in-growth core
Bog and fen communities differed in their response to infrared loading and
water-table treatments because of the differential response of life-forms a
nd species characteristic of each community. Along a gradient of increasing
water-table elevation, production of bryophytes increased, and production
of shrubs decreased in the bog community. Along a similar gradient in the f
en community, production of graminoids and forbs increased. Along a gradien
t of in creasing infrared loading in the bog, shrub production increased wh
ereas graminoid production decreased. In the fen, graminoids were most prod
uctive at high infrared loading, and forbs were most productive at medium i
nfrared loading. In the bog and fen, BNPP:ANPP ratios increased with warmin
g and drying, indicating shifts in carbon allocation in response to climate
Further, opposing responses of species and life-forms tended to cancel out
the response of production at higher levels of organization, especially in
the bog. For example, total net primary productivity in the bog did not dif
fer between water-table treatments because BNPP was greatest in the dry tre
atment whereas ANPP was greatest in the wet treatment.
The differential responses of species, life-forms, and above- and belowgrou
nd biomass production to the treatments suggest that bog and fen plant comm
unities will change, in different directions and magnitudes, in response to
warming and changes in water-table elevation. Further, results of this and
complementary research indicate that these peatlands may mediate their ene
rgy, carbon, and nutrient budgets through differential responses of the pla
nt communities. Thus, predictions of the response of peatlands to changes i
n climate should consider differences in plant community structure, as well
as biogeochemistry and hydrology, that characterize and differentiate thes
e two ecosystems.