The principal themes for the Biomedical Research and the Environment Confer
ence Committee on Environmental Economics in Biomedical Research include th
e following: healthcare delivery companies and biomedical research organiza
tions, both nonprofit and for-profit, need to improve their environmental p
erformance; suppliers of healthcare products will be called upon to support
this need; and improving the environmental profile of healthcare products
begins in research and development (R&D). The committee report begins with
requirements from regulatory authorities [e.g., U.S. Environmental Protecti
on Agency [EPA], the U.S. Food and Drug Administration), and the healthcare
delivery sector). The 1998 American Hospital Association and EPA Memorandu
m of Understanding to reduce solid waste and mercury from healthcare facili
ties is emblematic of these requirements. The dominant message from the req
uirements discussion is to ensure that R&D organizations do not ignore cust
omer, environmental, and regulatory requirements in the early stages of pro
duct development. Several representatives from healthcare products manufact
urers presented their companies' approaches to meeting these requirements.
They reported on efforts to ensure that their R&D processes are sensitive t
o the environmental consequences from manufacturing, distributing, using, a
nd disposing of healthcare products. These reports describe representatives
' awareness of requirements and the unique approaches their R&D organizatio
ns have taken to meet these requirements. All representatives reported that
their R&D organizations have embraced environmental product design because
it avoids the potential of returning products to R&D to improve the enviro
nmental profile. Additionally, several reports detailed cost savings, susta
inability benefits, and improvements in environmental manufacturing or rede
sign, and increased customer satisfaction. Many companies in healthcare del
ivery are working to improve environmental performance. Fundamental to thes
e efforts is the necessity of motivating suppliers to improve the environme
ntal profile of new products used in the healthcare delivery sector.