The Finite Element Method and the Boundary Element Method are two diff
erent structure analysis methods with a totally different numerical ch
aracter. Therefore, it makes no sense to couple these two methods poin
twise at the interface. In contrast to a lot of coupling strategies in
the past, in this paper a method is constructed where we have couplin
g of the two different methods in a weak form. As a result we can anal
yse the given structure with two different grids independent of each o
ther. On this account, we see that the big advantage of the proposed m
ethod is in its ablity to couple BEM and FEM. The construction of a ro
bust and reliable numerical algorithm depends on the adaptive control
of symmetry and definiteness of the coupling matrix. Therefore, we use
an iterative method for solving the boundary integral equation by exp
anding the Calderon projector in a Neumann series. Numerical results s
how the preciseness and efficiency of the method. (C) 1997 by John Wil
ey & Sons, Ltd.