This paper outlines a stage-by-stage framework for the analysis of data obt
ained from qualitative semistructured diaries. As the framework for analysi
s was developed, it became apparent that the methodological problem of veri
fying the initial analysis, required serious consideration. The research li
terature available was found simply to identify the difficulty, but offered
no solutions. Recognizing that trustworthiness is a hallmark of qualitativ
e research, a data analysis verification tool (DAViT) was designed. This pr
oved to be extremely effective in enhancing the trustworthiness of a qualit
ative study in a number of ways. The analysis framework and verification to
ol together offers an eclectic approach for qualitative diary data analysis
. It is further advocated that they are amenable to the analysis and verifi
cation of qualitative data obtained from semistructured interviews.