Recent laboratory measurements of electrical conductivity of mantle mineral
s are used in forward calculations for mantle conditions of temperature and
pressure. The electrical conductivity of the Earth's mantle is influenced
by many factors, which include temperature, pressure, the coexistence of mu
ltiple mineral phases, and oxygen fugacity. Ln order to treat these factors
and to estimate the resulting uncertainties, we have used a variety of spa
tial averaging schemes for mixtures of the mantle minerals and have incorpo
rated effects of oxygen fugacity. In addition, to better calculate lower ma
ntle conductivities, we report new measurements for electrical conductivity
of magnesiowustite (Mg0.89Fe0.11)O. Because the effective medium theory av
erages lie between the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds for the whole mantle, a labo
ratory-based conductivity-depth profile was constructed using this averagin
g scheme. Comparison of apparent resistivities calculated from the laborato
ry-based conductivity profile with those from field geophysical models show
s that the two approaches agree well.