The skewness of the temporal cross-correlation function of radio scintillat
ion observed simultaneously at spaced antennas is considered as characteris
tic of random motions in the turbulent solar wind. The results of the skewn
ess measurements using radio telescopes of Solar-Terrestrial Environment La
boratory at 327 MHZ and European Incoherent Scatter facilities at 932 MHZ i
n the range of heliocentric distances 0.1-0.3 AU were presented by Misawa a
nd Kojima [1996]. The measured skewness was sufficiently higher for the fas
t, solar wind than for the slow wind inside 0.2 AU. We considered the skewn
ess theoretically, taking into account the possible physical reasons of vel
ocity fluctuations in drifting scintillation patterns. It is shown that the
skewness is proportional to typical relative variance of velocities parall
el to regular drift as in the case of frozen-in irregularities and in the c
ase of wave-like irregularities. The skewness parameter is not sensitive to
the random velocities transversal to the average pattern velocity. The the
oretical estimates are compared to the observational data. It is shown that
the observed skewness is caused mainly by the bulk velocity spread in the
region outside heliocentric distance 0.2 AU. The enhanced skewness between
0.1 and 0.2 AU can be explained by the additional effects of fast magnetoso
nic waves. The attributes of the assumed fast magnetosonic waves are pronou
nced more strongly in the high-latitude observations of the fast solar wind
streams than in low-latitude observations of the slow solar wind.