ErFe11-xGaxTi compounds with ThMn12-type structure were synthesized for x =
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The crystalline structure and Ga occupancy in the compou
nds were analysed in terms of the Rietveld method. With increasing Ga conte
nt, the lattice constant and unit-cell volume increase monotonically. Ti at
oms are found to occupy 8i sites for all the compounds. Bond length and Ga
occupancy factor are given. The Curie temperature increases first, going th
rough a maximum and then decreases with increasing x while saturation magne
tization decreases monotonically. Spin re-orientation from the uniaxial to
the easy-cone type is detected for all the compounds as the temperature dec
reases from 300 to 5 K. A tentative spin phase diagram is constructed for t
he ErFe11-xGaxTi. In the ErFe11-xGaxTi compounds, a magneto-history effect
is observed which can be attributed to irreversible movement of narrow doma
in walls that are easily pinned.