This research examined college students' and their grandparents' (N = 135 d
yads) self-reports of communication behaviors in the grandparent-grandchild
(GP-GC) relationship. The research aimed to understand predictors of commu
nication satisfaction, liking, and emotional closeness in the relationship
from a basis in communication accommodation theory. For grandchildren, pred
ictors included their perceptions of their grandparents' levels of accommod
ation and overaccommodation to them in interactions, as well as their own l
evels of accommodative involvement with their grandparents. For grandparent
s, perceptions of their grandchildren's accommodation to them best predicte
d solidarity. Neither perceived grandchild overaccommodation nor perceived
grandparent underaccommodation were significant predictors in regression an
alyses, although both were significantly correlated with the criterion meas
ures. Implications of the results for the study of the GP-GC relationship a
re discussed, and future applications of accommodation theory and intergrou
p contact theory are suggested.