Echinostoma sp. use larval anurans as intermediate hosts. The cercariae ent
er the tadpoles via the cloacal openings and form metacercarial cysts in th
e kidneys, pronephroi, and Wolffian ducts. To examine the distribution of E
chinostoma metacercariae in Rana sylvatica and Rana clamitans tadpoles, 200
individuals of each species were exposed to free-swimming cercariae. There
was a significant left:right bias in the distribution of metacercariae wit
hin both R. sylvatica and R. clamitans tadpole hosts, with trematodes prefe
rentially encysting in nephric structures on the right side. In R. sylvatic
a and R. clamitans, respectively, 56.7% and 96.8% of the metacercariae were
on the tadpoles' right side. Asymmetry in the distribution of parasites fo
llowed the direction of the asymmetry in tadpole kidney size, but was much
greater. Trematodes preferentially encysted in the head kidneys of R. clami
tans, which regress at metamorphosis. The right head kidney was the most co
mmonly infected structure in R clamitans tadpoles, containing 72.7% of all
cysts in that species. Despite the preference of trematodes to encyst in th
e head kidney, there was no correlation between the number of cysts in the
right kidney and the number in the right head kidney. This suggests that li
mited space in the head kidney does not influence metacercarial formation i
n the kidney proper. The high frequency of unilateral encystment in both an
urans, and in the head kidneys of R clamitans, may be the result of a co-ev
olved relationship that ultimately benefits both the host and parasite by e
nsuring host survival.