Natural collective phenomena, for example, the movement of crowds of pedest
rians and the impressive nest formations of social insects, provide us with
an existence proof that sophisticated constructions may be built by swarms
of relatively simple artificial agents. The constructions often appear to
have required impressive control and coordination - yet each agent in the c
ollective does not appear to be Provided with an internal world model or bl
ue-print for the complete construction. These macroscopic structures emerge
as the consequence of interaction of agents, carrying out simple rules bas
ed upon the local state of the world which includes the interaction between
agents and the growing structure. In an attempt to understand the underpin
ning principles gf structure formation in collectives of mineral mobile age
nts the paper focuses on an investigation of automata-like agents in a two-
dimensional lattice. All agents start their evolution at the same site on t
he lattice. Every agent moves at random until it finds a neighbourhood it l
ikes move than other neighbourhoods. The agents form a stationary structure
of their immobile bodies. The paper focuses upon the parameterisation of t
he rule space and the mapping between parameter space and the resulting glo
bal structure formed by the agents.