It has been suggested that increasing levels of shear stress could modify e
ndothelial permeability. This might be critical in venous grafting and in t
he pathogenesis of certain vascular diseases. We present a novel setup base
d on impedance spectroscopy that allows online investigation of the transen
dothelial electrical resistance (TER) under pure laminar shear stress. Shea
r stress-induced change in TER was associated with changes in cell motility
and cell shape as a function of time (morphodynamics) and accompanied by a
reorganization of catenins that regulate endothelial adherens junctions. C
onfluent cultures of porcine pulmonary trunk endothelial cells typically di
splayed a TER between 6 and 15 Omega cm(2) under both resting conditions an
d low shear stress levels (0.5 dyn/cm(2)). Raising shear stress to the rang
e of 2 to 50 dyn/cm(2) caused a transient 2% to 15% increase in TER within
15 minutes that was accompanied by a reduction in cell motility. Subsequent
ly, TER slowly decreased to a minimum of 20% below the starting value. Duri
ng this period, acceleration of shape change occurred. In the ensuing perio
d, TER values recovered, reaching control levels within hours and associate
d with an entire deceleration of shape change. A heterogeneous distribution
of alpha-, beta-, and gamma -catenin, main components of the endothelial a
dherens type junctions, was also observed, indicating a differentiated regu
lation of shear stress-induced junction rearrangement. Additionally, cateni
ns were partly colocalized with beta -actin at the plasma membrane, indicat
ing migration activity of these subcellular parts. Shear stress, even at pe
ak levels of 50 dyn/cm2, did not cause intercellular gap formation. These d
ata show that endothelial monolayers exposed to increased levels of laminar
shear stress respond with a shear stress- dependent regulation of permeabi
lity and a reorganization of junction-associated proteins, whereas monolaye
r integrity remains unaffected.