We study a learning problem which allows for a "fair" comparison between un
supervised learning methods-probabilistic model construction, and more trad
itional algorithms that directly learn a classification. The merits of each
approach are intuitively clear: inducing a model is more expensive computa
tionally, but may support a wider range of predictions. Its performance, ho
wever, will depend on how well the postulated probabilistic model fits that
data. To compare the paradigms we consider a model which postulates a sing
le binary-valued hidden variable on which all other attributes depend. In t
his model, finding the most likely value of any one variable (given known v
alues for the others) reduces to testing a linear function of the observed
values. We learn the model with two techniques: the standard EM algorithm,
and a new algorithm we develop based on covariances. We compare these, in a
controlled fashion, against an algorithm (a version of Winnow) that attemp
ts to find a good linear classifier directly. Our conclusions help delimit
the fragility of using a model that is even "slightly" simpler than the dis
tribution actually generating the data, vs. the relative robustness of dire
ctly searching for a good predictor.