The mass of non-living particulate organic matter, or detritus, often excee
ds that of living plankton in pelagic environments; in coastal waters the d
ifference can be 10-fold. Relatively little is known about the dynamics of
this pool of organic matter because it has not been previously possible to
accurately determine its magnitude. A recent approach utilizing fluorescenc
e microscopy (Verity et al. 1996) provided estimates of the volume of detri
tus. Here, laboratory experiments were conducted to estimate carbon:volume
(C:V) and nitrogen:volume (N:V) conversion ratios of detritus formed by 2 p
hytoplankton species when incubated in darkness in the presence of bacteria
. The volume of detritus was measured directly, along with total particulat
e organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON), and that contained in the associ
ated phytoplankton and bacterial communities. Detrital carbon and nitrogen
were estimated by difference and compared to detrital volume, from which co
nversion factors were calculated. The physiological state of the bacteria w
as assessed using a recently developed fluorescent stain and molecular prob
e protocol (Williams et al. 19983. The 2 phytoplankton cultures were degrad
ed at different rates. At the times of peak bacterial abundances, most of t
he remaining bulk POC and PON was in the form of bacteria cells. Conversion
efficiencies, however were only 8 to 9 % (carbon) and 10 to 11% (nitrogen)
. The fraction of the bacterial community composed of active cells was inve
rsely related to the C:N ratio of the bulk particulate matter in both cultu
res, although with different absolute values. C:N ratios of detritus, disti
nct from surrounding bacteria and phytoplankton, were typically 35 to 50 bu
t varied during the 56 d incubations because bacteria selectively degraded
PON compared to POC. C:V and N:V ratios were typically 0.09 to 0.11 and 0.0
02 to 0.004 pg mum(-3) in fresh detritus, respectively, and ratios declined
as the detritus degraded in the presence of bacteria. Mean C:V and N:V rat
ios were 0.05 to 0.11 and 0.0014 to 0.0031, respectively. These ratios indi
cate that detritus derived from phytoplankton cultures contains reduced den
sities of organic carbon and nitrogen compared to living plankton. They pro
vide the means to directly estimate the carbon and nitrogen content of natu
ral detritus, although the C:V and N:V ratios of cultures need to be compar
ed to those estimated from natural plankton communities.