Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is expressed in the hy
pothalamus, and putative peptides encoded by CART potently inhibit feeding
when administered centrally. CART is strongly down-regulated in the lateral
hypothalamic area and the arcuate nucleus in animal models of obesity with
disrupted leptin signaling. Here we have used in situ hybridization and im
munohistochemistry to study CART expression in mice homozygous for the anor
exia (anx) mutation which are characterized by a much reduced food intake a
nd premature death, anx/anx mice had significantly decreased levels of CART
mRNA label and peptide-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in the arcuat
e nucleus and a lower number of detectable CART-expressing cells in the dor
somedial hypothalamic nucleus/lateral hypothalamic area. Moreover, serum le
ptin levels were significantly lower in anx/anx mice compared to normal lit
termates, most likely due to the prominent depletion of body fat in these a
nimals. The decrease in the anorexigenic agents leptin and CART, may reflec
t a compensatory down-regulation in response to the energy-deprived state o
f anx/anx mice. Alternatively, the reduced arcuate CART expression may be a
consequence of a molecular defect in the arcuate nucleus of these animals.
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