HEAD INJURIES INCURRED during athletic endeavors have been recorded since g
ames were first held. During the last century, our level of understanding o
f the types of cerebral insults, their causes, and their treatment has adva
nced significantly. Because of the extreme popularity of sports in the Unit
ed States and worldwide, the implications of athletic head injury are enorm
ous. This is especially true considering the current realization that mild
traumatic brain injury (MTBI) or concussion represents a major health consi
deration with more Iong-ranging effects than previously thought. When consi
dering athletic injuries, people who engage in organized sports, as well as
the large number of people who engage in recreational activities, should b
e considered. There are 200 million international soccer players, a group i
ncreasingly recognized to be at risk for MTBI. The participation in contact
sports of a large number of the population, especially youth, requires a c
areful and detailed analysis of injury trends and recommended treatment. Th
ere are numerous characteristics of this patient population that make manag
ement difficult, especially their implicit request to once again be subject
ed to potential MTBI by participating in contact sports. Recent research ha
s better defined the epidemiological issues related to sports injuries invo
lving the central nervous system and has also led to classification and man
agement paradigms that help guide decisions regarding athletes' return to p
lay. We currently have methods at our disposal that greatly assist us in ma
naging this group of patients, including improved recognition of the clinic
al syndromes of MTBI, new testing such as neuropsychological assessment, ra
diographic evaluations, and a greater appreciation of the pathophysiology o
f concussive brain injury. The potential for long-term consequences of repe
titive MTBI has been recognized, and we no longer consider the "dinged" sta
tes of athletic concussions to have the benign connotations they had in the
past. We review the historical developments in the recognition and care of
athletes with head injuries, the current theory of the pathophysiology and
biomechanics of these insults, and the recommended management strategy, in
cluding return-to-play criteria.