Again and again in notorious criminal trials, courts neglect significant pu
blic interests by transferring the trial out of the community in which the
crime was committed. The acquittal of the officers who shot Amidou Diallo r
eflects but the latest of a number of high-profile verdicts in which the ch
ange of venue undermined the verdict's legitimacy, particularly within the
community victimized by the crime. American law always has presumed that ju
rors must be drawn from within the victimized community in order to permit
the jury to fulfill its representative and adjudicative functions. Local ju
rors stamp the community's judgment on the verdict, permit the trial to ser
ve as an outlet for community concern, and interpret ambiguous statutory te
rms in light of the common sense of the community. These essential jury fun
ctions were understood by the Founders, yet they wholly are absent from the
prevailing law governing change of venue motions. In this Article, Steven
Engel argues that the public enjoys a constitutional right to adjudicate cr
iminal trials locally. Ne first examines a series of cases in the 1980s whe
re the Supreme Court recognized that the public enjoys a right of access to
criminal proceedings premised on the tradition of public access, the publi
c interest in publicity, and the link between the right and established con
stitutional values. He then suggests that the public's "vicinage right" gro
ws from the same soil as does the public's right of access, has longstandin
g roots in our legal tradition, continues to serve important public policie
s, and is implicit in other constitutional doctrines protecting the jury ri
ght. Engel concludes that recognizing such a public right would encourage c
ourts to explore alternatives to transfers that would preserve the defendan
t's right to an impartial jury without damaging the community interests imp
licit in the trial by jury.