Nicholson's distinction between 'scramble' and 'contest' modes of competiti
on has received widespread attention in ecology and in behaviour, though th
e emphasis has been different between the two disciplines. In ecology the f
ocus has been on the effects on population; in behavioural ecology the focu
s has been on the consequences at the individual level. This paper reviews
and develops a theory of scramble competition at the individual level, deri
ving a general evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for individual scramble
expenditure in a patchy habitat in which individuals compete in local grou
ps for available resources, and examines two population consequences. The c
ritical parameter determining the relationship between individual scramble
expenditure and the number of competitors in a patch is the expected resour
ce per capita. If resource input, R, to a patch is constant and independent
of the number of competitors, n, then as the number of competitors increas
es, the per-capita resources declines as R/n, and the ESS scramble level de
clines (in proportion to (n-1)/n(2)). However, if the resource input to a p
atch is positively related to the number of competitors in the patch, scram
ble expenditure may increase with the number of competitors. In the case wh
ere the per-capita resource input stays constant (i.e. R(n) = Rn), the scra
mble level increases with competitor number tin proportion to (n-1)/n). The
re are plausible ecological reasons why either of these extreme limits may
be approached in nature, making it important to ascertain the relationship
between R and n before predicting individual scramble expenditure. For exam
ple, resource input may be constant when groups of competitors are constrai
ned to remain together in given patches, and constant per-capita resources
may be approached when ideal-free foraging rules apply. However, in the lat
ter case, scramble expenditure must be accounted for in determining the ide
al-free distribution. An analysis shows that this leads to 'undermatching',
i.e. the ratio of numbers of competitors for good/bad patches becomes prog
ressively less than the ratio of input rates for good/bad patches as the di
fference between the good and bad patches increases. A second population co
nsequence of the scramble ESS relates to the fact that scrambles may dramat
ically affect fitness. The per-capita gain in energy can be reduced by a fa
ctor of up to 1/n as a result of scramble expenditure, potentially reducing
realized population size to as little as the square root of the maximum po
tential carrying capacity, though reasons are given why such large reductio
ns are unlikely.