A joint programme, involving research laboratories from CNRS (Centre Nation
al de le Recherche Scientifique) and ONERA (Office National de Recherches A
erospatiales), was developed in France in connection with the French Space
Agency (CNES) and industry (SNECMA) for the understanding of Hall-effect pl
asma thrusters. Different activities are pursued in parallel: an experiment
al test of different laboratories' thrusters; the development of diagnostic
techniques to characterize the plasma inside and outside the thrusters; an
d the development of simulation and modelling able to describe characterist
ics and evaluate the thrusters' performances.
This paper will be focused on diagnostics systems implemented in the PIVOIN
E facility. Time- and space-resolved measurements of the ion beam energy, d
istribution electron density and concentration in the plume are performed w
ith a retarding potential analyser (RPA) and Langmuir probes mounted on a 2
.5 m movable drive. The thruster can be moved axially to allow a 40 x 90 cm
(2) exploration of the plume. The investigation of the plasma inside the th
ruster is made by optical diagnostics. A CCD camera used in fast imaging mo
de is set outside the tank. The 45 degrees sight axis allows an internal vi
ew of the thruster's channel. Furthermore, a spectroscopic analysis is made
by focusing the channel's light to a set of optical fibres connected to an
imaging spectrometer equipped with a CCD camera. A specific laboratory thr
uster of 100 mm external diameter called SPT100-ML was studied in more deta
il, this model being designed to allow the implementation of optical fibres
and wall probes diagnostics inside the channel's thruster. The stationary
plasma thruster discharge is almost always characterized by low-frequency i
nstabilities of the order of 10 kHz where the discharge current can reach a
very high instantaneous level. The variation of the discharge and ion beam
flux currents has been related to the spatiotemporal dynamic of the plasma
inside the thruster's channel. The main features are explained by a one-di
mensional (1D) hybrid model and a 1D particle-in-cell-Monte Carlo model. A
new thruster, working at a very low fluctuation level with a low angular di
vergence ion beam, is now under investigation in connection with SNECMA.