Radiocarbon dated lacustrine sequences in Peru show that the chronology of
glaciation during the late glacial in the tropical Andes was significantly
out-of-phase with the record of climate change in the North Atlantic region
. Fluvial incision of glacial-lake deposits in the Cordillera Blanca, centr
al Peru, has exposed a glacial outwash gravel; radiocarbon dates from peat
stratigraphically bounding the gravel imply that a glacier advance culminat
ed between similar to 11,280 and 10,990 C-14 yr B.P.; rapid ice recession f
ollowed. Similarly, in southern Peru, ice readvanced between similar to 11,
500 and 10,900 C-14 yr B.P. as shown by a basal radiocarbon date of similar
to 10,870 C-14 yr B.P. from a lake within 1 ion of the Quelccaya Ice Cap.
By 10,900 C-14 yr B.P, the ice front had retreated to nearly within its mod
ern limits. Thus, glaciers in central and southern Peru advanced and retrea
ted in near lockstep with one another. The Younger Dryas in the Peruvian An
des was apparently marked by retreating ice fronts in spite of the cool con
ditions that are inferred from the partial derivative O-18 record of Sajama
ice. This retreat was apparently driven by reduced precipitation, which is
consistent with interpretations of other paleoclimatic indicators from the
region and which may have been a nonlinear response to steadily decreasing
summer insolation. (C) 2000 University of Washington.