Electron cyclotron emission (ECE) has been employed as a standard electron
temperature profile diagnostic on many tokamaks and stellarators, but most
magnetically confined plasma devices cannot take advantage of standard ECE
diagnostics to measure temperature. They are either "overdense," operating
at high density relative to the magnetic field (e.g., omega (pe) much great
er than Omega (ce) in a spherical torus) or they have insufficient density
and temperature to reach the blackbody condition (tau >2). Electron Bernste
in waves (EBWs) are electrostatic waves that can propagate in overdense pla
smas and have a high optical thickness at the electron cyclotron resonance
layers as a result of their large k(perp). In this article we report on mea
surements of EBW emission on the CDX-U spherical torus, where B-0 similar t
o 2 kG, [n(e)] similar to 10(13) cm(-3) and T-e approximate to 10-200 eV. R
esults are presented for electromagnetic measurements of EBW emission, mode
converted near the plasma edge. The EBW emission was absolutely calibrated
and compared to the electron temperature profile measured by a multipoint
Thomson scattering diagnostic. Depending on the plasma conditions, the mode
-converted EBW radiation temperature was found to be less than or equal to
T-e and the emission source was determined to be radially localized at the
electron cyclotron resonance layer. A Langmuir triple probe and a 140 GHz i
nterferometer were employed to measure changes in the edge density profile
in the vicinity of the upper hybrid resonance where the mode conversion of
the EBWs is expected to occur. Initial results suggest EBW emission and EBW
heating are viable concepts for plasmas where omega (pe) much greater than
Omega (ce). (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.