Collaborative planning and stewardship has emerged on the natural resource
landscape as both an ideology and prescriptive tool to build agreement and
manage conflict across diverse settings and resource issues. This article r
eports on a research study examining stakeholder perceptions of the perform
ance of 30 collaborative initiatives from around the United States where th
e USDA Forest Service was identified as a partner in the initiative. Result
s from a mailed survey to active participants found the typical collaborati
ve initiative to be fairly large and quite diverse with an average of 16.8
organizational members. Respondents generally felt initiatives were effecti
ve in achieving their purpose. in a regression analysis, leadership, willin
gness to compromise, and a broad representation of stakeholders emerged as
significant predictors of outcome achievement. Findings from this study sup
port recent evidence that collaborative initiatives are achieving important
economic, quality of life, and bio/physical outcomes. However, due to the
young age of many collaborative ventures, these outcomes are still in their
formative stages.