The structure of phase transitions expected from equilibrium thermodyn
amics is examined. We show that in binary systems, the shape of the co
existence region (phase loop) is controlled primarily by the partition
coefficient K. We derive a general and simple one-parameter expressio
n for the pressure dependence of the yield of the high-pressure phase
and show that this function can be highly nonlinear: most of the trans
ition occurs in a narrow interval near the boundary of the phase loop.
Estimates of the effective width of binary phase transitions are less
than half the total width of the coexistence region even for relative
ly mild partitioning (K < 1/4). We generalize these results to multiph
ase and multicomponent transitions. We show that the presence of nontr
ansforming phases can affect the width of the transition substantially
. We predict that the width of the olivine to wadsleyite transition in
the presence of pyroxene and garnet is approximately half that of the
binary phase loop at typical transition zone temperatures. The estima
ted effective width of this transition in the mantle (4-8 km) is margi
nally consistent with observations of high-frequency (0.5-1.0 Hz) P wa
ve reflections from the 410 km discontinuity. We show that the effecti
ve width of the garnet to perovskite transition is sufficiently narrow
to reflect S wave energy in the frequency range of ScS reverberations
(10-40 mHz) and that this transition can account for the observed pro
perties of the 710 km discontinuity.