Twenty-four laboratories participated in a collaborative study to calibrate
a replacement for the 4th International Standard for Unfractionated Hepari
n (82/502). Both candidate materials A and B, gave excellent intra- and int
er-laboratory variations (majority of mean %gcv <10%) when assayed against
the 4th International Standard. No major differences of potency estimates w
ere found between methods, although the USP method generally gave lower pot
encies than the other methods and candidate B gave a greater variation betw
een methods than A. Overall, this study showed that the differences between
the candidates are marginal. Based on its narrower molecular weight profil
e, higher specific activity and slightly lower inter-method variation, cand
idate A, 97/578, was proposed and accepted in October, 1998, by the Expert
Committee on Biological Standardisation of the World Health Organisation to
be the 5th International Standard for Unfractionated Heparin with an assig
ned potency of 2031 IU/ampoule.