A geometrically generalized analysis of isothermal peritectic transformatio
n based on the linearized concentration gradient approximation has been pre
sented. The predictions of the present model, as compared with those by the
earlier proposed ones, show a better agreement with the kinetic data from
the Cd-Ag system. However, the computed kinetics differ from the observed r
ates beyond a certain limit, perhaps due to the variation in the shape and
size of beta particles and/or depletion of the liquid phase under the exper
imental conditions. For an equivalent size (diameter or thickness) of the b
eta particles, the kinetics are progressively faster as the geometry of the
particles changes from planar to cylindrical or spherical with the related
solute flux assuming a 1-, 2- and 3-dimensional nature, respectively. A de
tailed parametric study reveals that the product (alpha) and alpha + beta f
ield widths exert appreciable influence on the rate of beta consumption. Fi
nally, a dimensionless parameter has been proposed to rationalize the proce
ss parameters and predict the lower limit of the time required for completi
on of the transformation for hyper-peritectic alloys without resorting to a
ny lengthy calculation.