If a curve ranges through a cube H = Pi(i=1)(n)[a(i),b(i)] so that, fo
r every point x is an element of H, there is at least a point in the c
urve at a distance not greater than a positive number alpha, the curve
is called alpha-dense in H. It is very important in the construction
of such curves to find algorithms of approximation for global optimiza
tion and, in fact, there are several methods to do it, e.g., [1-3]. In
this paper, we give a characterization of such curves in terms of gam
ma-stochastically independent functions, as well as a constructive met
hod to generate them by means of only one function rho called gamma-un
iformly distributed. Finally, in the above class, i.e., in the set of
the gamma-uniformly distributed functions, we will choose one of them,
will construct the corresponding curve, and will compute its theoreti
c calculation time.