We completed a genome scan of 23 multiplex families of panic disorder. Nine
ty family members had DSM-III-R panic disorder, and another 23 had recurren
t, spontaneous panic attacks that did not satisfy these criteria. We typed
469 markers from the CHLC map (ver 8c7) with an average intermarker distanc
e of 10.3 cM. Two-point lod scores were calculated with both a dominant and
a recessive model, and maps of lod scores < -2.00, assuming genetic homoge
neity, were constructed by using DSM-III-R panic disorder as the affected p
henotype, Lod scores were < -2.00 over 94-95% of the genome. The greatest l
od score was 2.23 (Theta = 0.15) at the D7S2846 locus, located at 57.8 cM o
n chromosome 7 according to the Marshfield Clinic map. Flanking markers ana
lyzed in a nonparametric, multipoint analysis using GENEHUNTER resulted in
an NPL score of 2.97 at 63 cM on the Marshfield map. This region lies withi
n 15 cM from the D7S435 locus, where Knowles et al. [1998] obtained a lod s
core of 1.71 (Theta = 0.10) for panic disorder (now 2.45 with the addition
of new families; James Knowles, personal communication). Thus, the maximum
evidence of linkage from two genome scans of panic disorder lies within a s
mall region of chromosome 7p. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 1
05:105-109, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.