The sifakas (Propithecus) include three species containing up to 10 describ
ed subspecies, whose evolutionary relationships remain contentious. In part
icular, it is unclear whether P. verreauxi deckeni and P.v. coronatus popul
ations are differentiated at the subspecific level. Furthermore, the taxono
mic status of the recently discovered P. tattersalli and its phylogenetic p
osition also require further examination. About 2,400 bp of mitochondrial D
NA sequence data from part of the COIII gene, together with complete genes
for ND3, ND4L, ND4, and five tRNAs, were used to clarify relationships amon
g Propithecus species and subspecies. All analyses group Avahi as the siste
r group to all sifakas. P. diadema is placed as a sister group to all other
Propithecus. Among the remaining sifakas, one subclade is formed by P.v. c
oquereli and P. tattersalli, while P.v. verreauxi, P.u. deckeni, and P.v. c
oronatus form the second subclade. All analyses fail to resolve P.u. corona
tus and P.v, deckeni into separate monophyletic lineages. Based on pairwise
distance comparisons and tree topology, we conclude that P. tattersalli do
es not represent a distinct species and that P.u. decheni and P. v. coronat
us do not deserve subspecific rank. On the other hand, our analyses indicat
e that P.v. coquereli may well represent a separate species. Am. J. Primato
l. 53:1-17, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.