For large numbers of marker loci in a genomic scan for disease loci, we pro
pose a novel 2-stage approach for linkage or association analysis. The two
stages are (1) selection of a subset of markers that are 'important' for th
e trait studied, and (2) modelling interactions among markers and between m
arkers and trait. Here we focus on stage 1 and develop a select ion method
based on a 2-level nested bootstrap procedure. The met hod is applied to si
ngle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) data in a cohort study of heart diseas
e patients. Out of the 89 original SNPs the method selects 11 markers as be
ing 'important'. Conventional backward stepwise logistic regression on the
89 SNPs selects 7 markers. which are a subset of the 11 markers chosen br o
ur method.