Solar p-mode oscillations are excited by the work of stochastic, nonadiabat
ic, pressure fluctuations on the compressive modes. We evaluate the express
ion for the radial mode excitation rate derived by Nordlund & Stein using n
umerical simulations of near-surface solar convection. We first apply this
expression to the three radial modes of the simulation and obtain good agre
ement between the predicted excitation rate and the actual mode damping rat
es as determined from their energies and the widths of their resolved spect
ral profiles. These radial simulation modes are essentially the same as the
solar modes at the resonant frequencies, where the solar modes have a node
at the depth of the bottom of the simulation domain. We then apply this ex
pression for the mode excitation rate to the solar modes and obtain excelle
nt agreement with the low l damping rates determined from data obtained by
the "global oscillations at low frequencies" (GOLF) instrument on SOHO. Exc
itation occurs close to the surface, mainly in the intergranular lanes and
near the boundaries of granules (where turbulence and radiative cooling are
large). The nonadiabatic pressure fluctuations near the surface are produc
ed by small instantaneous local imbalances between the divergence of the ra
diative and convective fluxes near the solar surface. Below the surface, th
e nonadiabatic pressure fluctuations are produced primarily by turbulent-pr
essure fluctuations (Reynolds stresses). The frequency dependence of the mo
de excitation is due to effects of the mode structure and the pressure fluc
tuation spectrum. Excitation is small at low frequencies because of mode pr
operties-the mode compression decreases and the mode mass increases at low
frequency. Excitation is small at high frequencies because of the pressure
fluctuation spectrum-pressure fluctuations become small at high frequencies
because they are due to convection, which is a long-timescale phenomenon c
ompared with the dominant p-mode periods.