The auditor's responsibility for detecting fraudulent financial reporting i
s of continuing importance to both the profession and society. The Auditing
Standards Board has recently issued SAS No. 82, Consideration of Fraud in
a Financial Statement Audit, which makes the auditor's responsibility for t
he detection of material fraud more explicit without increasing the level o
f responsibility.
Using a sample of 77 fraud engagements and 305 nonfraud engagements, we dev
elop and test a logistic regression model that estimates the likelihood of
fraudulent financial reporting for an audit client, conditioned on the pres
ence or absence of several fraud-risk factors. The significant risk factors
included in the final model are: weak internal control environment, rapid
company growth, inadequate or inconsistent relative profitability, manageme
nt places undue emphasis on meeting earnings projections, management lied t
o the auditors or was overly evasive, the ownership status (public vs. priv
ate) of the entity, and an interaction term between a weak control environm
ent and an aggressive management attitude toward financial reporting. The l
ogistic model was significantly more accurate than practicing auditors in a
ssessing risk for the 77 fraud observations. There was not a significant di
fference between model assessments and those of practicing auditors for the
sample of nonfraud cases.
These findings suggest that a relatively simple decision aid performs quite
well in differentiating between fraud and nonfraud observations. Practitio
ners might consider using this model, or one developed using a similar proc
edure, in fulfilling the SAS No. 82 requirement to "assess the risk of mate
rial misstatement of the financial statements due to fraud."