Specific catalytic oxidation of sperm whale oxymyoglobin by small amounts o
f potassium ferri- and ferrocyanide, from 1 to 20% in relation to the prote
in concentration, was studied. The mechanism of catalysis was shown to invo
lve specific binding of the ferrocyanide anion to the protein. The influenc
e of pH and ionic strength of the medium, the [Fe(CN)(6)](4-) concentration
and of chemical modification of Mb histidines by bromoacetate, as well as
the effect of the Mb complexing with redox-inactive zinc ion on the rate of
reaction was examined. The zinc ion forms a stable complex with His 119(GH
1) on the Mb surface at the equimolar Zn2+ concentration. The kinetic schem
e of the reaction was analyzed, and the equilibrium and kinetic parameters
were obtained. It was first shown that the strong oxidant such as potassium
ferricyanide is able to react with the same protein by two distinct mechan
isms: (i) a simple outer sphere electron transfer over the heme edge and (i
i) electron transfer after the specific binding of [Fe(CN)(6)](4-) to oxyMb
in the His 119(GH1) region, thus catalyzing the protein oxidation.