Ovulation rate records from 1311 female progeny of 50 Coopworth rams were u
sed to study the inheritance of ovulation rate in a screened high prolifica
cy sheep flock. Breeding values (BV) for ovulation rate for 33 sires used w
ithin the screened flock and ovulation rate deviations for a further 17 sir
es progeny tested in commercial flocks suggest that a major gene (Woodlands
gene) for ovulation rate with a non-Mendelian inheritance pattern is segre
gating in a family line. Rams assigned as carriers of the putative gene did
not produce carrier sons (zero of three), and this coupled with the observ
ation that daughters of carrier rams had ovulation rates of 0.39 (standard
error of difference [SED] = 0.06) higher than contemporaries without a sign
ificant increase in the variance of log ovulation rate strongly suggests th
at the gene is on the X chromosome. The evidence suggests that the gene is
also maternally imprinted because ovulation rate data indicate that it is e
xpressed where females inherit a paternal allele but is silenced when inher
ited on a maternal allele. Maternal granddaughters of carrier rams had mean
ovulation rates that were only 0.02 (SED = 0.06) higher than noncarrier ew
es from the same flock. Furthermore, carrier dams expressing the gene (pate
rnal allele) had 24 sons, none of which had female offspring that expressed
the gene, whereas carrier dams not expressing the gene (maternal allele) h
ad 7 out of 17 sons that had female progeny expressing the gene. There is n
o evidence of the infertility that occurs in homozygous ewes carrying the X
-linked Inverdale gene. Collectively, these results suggest the existence o
f a novel gene for prolificacy located on the X chromosome that is maternal
ly imprinted. The Woodlands gene was only expressed upon paternal inheritan
ce from carrier males that were the progeny of nonexpressing carrier dams.
The gene was not expressed in ewes that received it from either carrier dam
s (expressing or nonexpressing) or from carrier males that were the progeny
of expressing carrier dams.