BACKGROUND. Cancer survival often has been reported as lower for the poor t
han the rich, but, to the authors' knowledge, systematic national estimates
of deprivation gradients in survival over long periods of time have not be
en available.
METHODS. The authors estimated national population-based survival rates for
almost 3 million people who were diagnosed with 1 of 58 types of cancers (
47 in adults, 11 in children) in England and Wales during the 20-year perio
d 1971-1990 and followed through December 31, 1995. Cancer patients were as
signed by their address at diagnosis to 1 of 5 categories (quintiles of the
national distribution) of material deprivation by using a standard index d
erived from census data on unemployment, car ownership, household overcrowd
ing, and social class;hat was available for all 109,000 census tracts in Gr
eat Britain. The authors used relative survival rates: the ratio of observe
d survival among the cancer patients to the survival that would have been e
xpected if they had had the same background mortality as the general popula
tion. Background mortality differed widely among socioeconomic categories,
and the authors constructed life tables from raw national mortality data by
gender, single year of age, calendar period of death, and socioeconomic ca
tegory to adjust for it. The authors used variance-weighted lease squares r
egression to estimate both time trends in age standardized survival and soc
ioeconomic gradients in surrival. The number of avoidable deaths Was estima
ted from the observed mortality excess compared with the expected mortality
in each group of patients.
RESULTS. Survival rose steadily for most cancers over 25 years to 1995 in E
ngland and Wales, but inequalities in survival between patients Living in r
ich and poor areas were geographically widespread and persistent over this
period of time. These patterns existed for 44 of 47 adult cancers examined
but not for 11 childhood cancers. These inequalities in survival represente
d more than 2500 deaths that would have been avoided each year if all cance
r patients had had the same chance of surviving up to 5 years after diagnos
is as patients in the most affluent;group.
CONCLUSIONS, The largest national cancer survival study has provided strong
evidence of systematic disadvantage in outcome among patients who;lived in
poorer districts compared with those who lived in wealthier districts. Can
cer 2001; 91:208-16 (C) 2001 American Cancer Society.