The factors that influence changes in the upland plant communities of Scotl
and, and hence result in changes in the landscape, are examined with partic
ular reference to the decline in the cover of heather moorland. These facto
rs include natural disturbances, such as climate change and fire, but the i
nfluence of man-made disturbances on the landscape, notably due to sheep gr
azing and deforestation. has been much greater. Despite this, it is argued
that plant communities differ in their fragility and some current upland la
ndscapes are not particularly sensitive to some types of disturbances, at l
east under moderate herbivore loads. However, the impact of potential reduc
tions in herbivore loads, in combination with other factors (e.g., climate
change and increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition), on the rate of veget
ation change cannot be predicted with confidence at present. Understanding
the mechanisms underlying spatial and temporal variation in the sensitivity
of upland plant communities to increasing disturbances in the future is th
e challenge facing both ecologists and those interested in landscape manage
ment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.