Rib gaps, vertebral ossification defects, hypoplastic ischial bones and lar
ge kidneys were present in a newborn. A renal biopsy showed nephroblastomat
osis. The observation links two recently described conditions - 'ischiospin
al dysostosis' and 'a new syndrome comprising vertebral anomalies and multi
cystic kidneys' - and shows that nephroblastomatosis may be a manifestation
of ischiospinal dysostosis. Ischiospinal dysostosis with nephroblastomatos
is is one of a group of disorders characterized by developmental defects of
the axial skeleton. It must be added to the conditions predisposing to Wil
ms tumor formation. Clin Dysmorphol 10: 19-23 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins.