A testbattery of biochemical and (sub)cellular assays was used to obta
in a ranking and classification of aquatic contaminants. The assessmen
t of model compounds with different modes of action by a series of spe
cific (sub)organismic tests was based on the principle of simulating t
he possible interactions between the contaminants and respective targe
ts in the organisms. The following endpoints were included in the in-v
itro testbattery: cytotoxicity in the neutralred and kenacidblue assay
with BF-2 fish fibroblasts, decoupling of isolated mitochondria, inhi
bition of acetylcholinesterase and reaction with glutathion. The respo
nse patterns from the ind;vidual tests were integrated to obtain the a
quatic toxicity profiles. The results show that the in-vitro tests are
less sensitive as compared to traditional organismic tests and the ob
jective to serve as monitors of low-level contaminants is not yet achi
eved with the in-vitro tests used in this study. On the other hand, th
e testbattery revealed high specificity to identify mode of action rel
ated response profiles and to provide an unambiguous classification of
toxicants whose impacts may be due to particular interactions. (C) 19
97 Elsevier Science Ltd.