Measures of saturation at threshold and suprathreshold levels were studied
for wavelengths between 460-650 nm and at approximately a constant luminanc
e (29 +/- 5 cd/m(2)). The suprathreshold functions, obtained by magnitude e
stimation, are distinguishable by their lower exponents from those of the m
onocular functions. This effect is probably related to a strategy of the co
rtex for the unification of signals. The reiteration of the saturation meas
ures observed through our own data and those of other authors represent a r
eliable source for the analysis of the chromatic vision, both at the retina
l as well as the cortical level. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res A
ppl, 26, S53-S56, 2001.