Many soil-structure interaction problems involve studies of single or multi
ple rigid bodies of arbitrary shape and soil media. The commonly used bound
ary element methods implement the equations of the rigid body in a form tha
t depends on the particulars of the geometry and requires partitioning and
condensation of the associated algebraic system of equations. The present w
ork employs the direct time domain B-Spline BEM for 3D elastodynamic analys
is and presents an efficient implementation of rigid bodies of arbitrary sh
ape in contact with, or embedded in, elastic media. The formulation of a ri
gid surface boundary element introduced herein is suitable for direct super
position in the BEM system of algebraic equations. Consequently, solutions
are computed in a single analysis step, eliminating, thus, the need for par
titioning of the system of equations. Computational efficiency is also achi
eved due to the extremely sparse form of the associated coefficient matrice
s. The proposed element can be used for the modeling of single or multiple
rigid bodies of arbitrary shape within the framework of the BEM method. The
efficiency and general nature of the proposed element is demonstrated thro
ugh applications related to the dynamic analysis of rigid surface and embed
ded foundations and their interaction with embedded rigid bodies of arbitra
ry shape.