The prevalence of bereavement among traditional-aged college students shoul
d impel universities to assist bereaved students on their campuses. Dealing
with bereavement can not only challenge a college student's completing the
developmental tasks that our society sets for the later adolescent years,
but also imperil the student's remaining in school and graduating. It is in
the best interests of the university to develop and implement a variety of
effective interventions to assist bereaved students. The author argues tha
t universities are communities devoted to scholarly endeavors and should ex
plicitly incorporate the dimension of compassion and caring. An abbreviated
case study is used to illustrate the situations in which one grieving stud
ent found herself when she returned to school following the death of her fa
ther. A call is made for greater university engagement by forming a univers
ity-based bereavement center to coordinate and conduct coherent inquiry tha
t fulfills the scholarly functions of discovery, application, and instructi
on. Four specific actions for a bereavement center are to train nonbereaved
students to provide peer support, to provide structured interventions for
college students at risk of bereavement complications, to raise consciousne
ss about bereavement on the university campus, and to conduct research into
various bereavement populations and bereavement topics.