We considered the treatment of domestic wastewater by coagulation-adsorptio
n coupling with ultrafiltration as an alternative for wastewater reclamatio
n and reuse. The flocculation-adsorption process showed good performance in
removing the chemical oxygen demand 86% at a FeCl3 concentration of 40 mg/
l, and powdered activated carbon concentration of 20 mg/l. In the same way
the turbidity passed from 18 NTU to 3.5 NTU at pH = 5.5. Laboratory tests s
howed that the turbidity is passed from 18 NTU to 0.5 NTU by the process fl
occulation-adsorption-ultrafiltration and removal efficiency of chemical ox
ygen demand 82.7% (where the value passed from 77 to 13mg/l).