In this paper the question is raised how past historical events influence t
he analysand in his present life and his being present in analysis. Contrar
y to the initial impression that the narration of the analysand is to be un
derstood as an expression of the past in a factual and historical sense, th
e detailed consideration of the literature about (re)construction and about
the functioning of the memory leads to the conclusion that the dialog is m
odified by numerous variables: memories are changed by the affective conten
ts of later added experiences. Memory does not function in a static way but
is to be understood as dynamic and designs every moment a minimally change
d memory image. For analytical work that means: by (re)construction only a
psychic reality, not a historically factual one, can be discovered. Summari
zing the results of literature, one must come to the conclusion that the de
piction of contemporary historical aspects of a narration is uncertain. The
hypothesis of the paper is: in psychoanalysis past historical aspects are
depicted in a blurred fashion. The author chooses the term "die Unscharfe"
(the blurred), in order to find a comparison with the subjective associativ
e character of the analytical dialogue and with the importance of the analy
tical dyad. This term acknowledges the clinical phenomenon that with the le
ngth of a treatment, the history of analysis replaces the historicity of me
mory. The hypothesis is explained and discussed along with a detailed case