HLA-G gene regulation was investigated with regards to homologies among the
pathways regulating both classical MHC class I and MHC class II gene expre
ssion. They include four conserved cis-acting regulatory elements located i
n the proximal promoter region referred to as the W/S/Z box, the X box that
is comprised of the X1 and X2 halves, and the Y box with an inverted CCAAT
site. The X1 box is the binding site for the ubiquitous RFX complex consis
ting of three subunits; the X2 box is bound by the X2BP/ATF/CREB family fac
tors. The basic S-X-Y regulatory module interacts with CIITA, which is expr
essed constitutively in APCs, but may be inducible in others cell types by
IFN-gamma. Within HLA-G gene promoter the only conserved motifs are S and X
1 boxes. We thus investigated the binding capacity of the HLA-G X box in co
mparison to that of HLA-DRA and HLA-E. We demonstrate that X2 box mutations
in HLA-G promoter affect the binding of ATF/CREB family factors and may pr
ivilege the X2 box to access by other shared factors. The X1 box is the tar
get for RFX complex and an additional factor we identified as Spl. We propo
se that the X region in the HLA-G gene promoter might participate to the co
mbination of factors which play a role in HLA-G gene activation. (C) Americ
an Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 2000. Published by El
sevier Science Inc.